lybo coasters
My Story
Hi , My name is Lynn and i started my business in the first lockdown. I made my first ever set of coasters. a friend of mine saw them and asked if i could make her some ! , It then became a bit bizarre as a friend of hers asked for some and then my little hobby escalated to a small business.
Within 5 months we were doing craft shows and all the local markets and Farmers markets. We are now the premier supplier of ceramic coasters in the south of England.
My coasters have grown from strength to strength and i am proud of what i have achieved. We have repeat buyers and nothing but good comments , people have been asking for a website so i have eventually Sercombe to the idea and here it is !!.
Thank you to everyone who has made this hobby a business for me , so let it continue to grow even bigger.
To get in touch please email or phone with in formation provided.
+44 (0) 7525477084